Dear Parents and Carers
The staff and I take this opportunity to welcome you and your children to the school.
We are always pleased to see parents and carers in the school. Children are much more likely to be successful when school and home work in close partnership and it is such a relationship we should like to develop with you. You can support your children by helping in the classroom, accompanying us on trips, as members of our invaluable Parent Staff Association or Governing Body and in numerous other ways.
We have formal individual parent/teacher consultation evenings twice a year. During these you may discuss in detail your child’s progress. In addition staff are available at the end of each day to talk about any general issues. The staff and I are happy to discuss any queries you may have but it can be helpful to make an appointment.
Communication is vital to our success as a school. During the year you will receive weekly newsletters via email which pass on all the important information about school matters and forthcoming events. The class letter at the beginning of each term is especially useful and will include information about the topics that your children will cover in class. All adults with parental responsibility can receive these communications electronically. We have to rely on the children being good post-people, so check their bags and ask them regularly. We keep a “Letter to Parents” file in the office containing a copy of every letter sent to parents during the school year. If you discover you have not received something please ask for a copy at the office.
When your child first joins the school we ask you to fill in an Admissions Form so that we have all relevant details on file. This information is, of course, confidential. Please inform the office of any changes of address or personal details so that our records remain up to date. Emergency contact details are particularly important.
Yours sincerely
Andrew Hastings