We love, we laugh, we learn
Colville School aims to create and enhance a sense of independence, self-confidence and good self-esteem in every pupil. We want the children to feel that their opinions, feelings and talents are valued. We achieve this within a climate of friendly support in which high expectations for academic achievement, good behaviour and caring relationships are made clear. Relationships between staff, staff and children and between staff and parents make a vital contribution to the quality of school life and to teaching and learning in particular. We are keen to listen to all those who involved with the children of our school. The school seeks to enable pupils to develop lively and enquiring minds and an ability to apply themselves to tasks. We endeavour to help pupils acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding which will equip them for life. To support these aims we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which matches the children’s individual needs and is carefully planned and structured to build on success.