Colville Primary School Curriculum
Our intention at Colville Primary School is to provide pupils with the experiences and skills they need to succeed in the 21st Century. Primary school is not simply a means to an end but a valuable experience in itself. We want all children, regardless of background, to have opportunities to build core characteristics and develop deep knowledge of key academic areas. Our curriculum is implemented through high quality teaching backed up with well-designed and thorough opportunities for personal and social development. As a Local Authority school we must teach the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum. However, these provides only the skeleton framework for us to follow. Our curriculum includes many more opportunities, topics, activities and ideas for our pupils to explore during their time at Colville. The content of our curriculum is detailed in our Curriculum Maps. These show what we intend to deliver to our pupils in their studies across the different year groups and subjects. Throughout our Foundation Stage Curriculum we aim to encourage active learning through first hand experiences, both in indoor and outdoor play, and through verbal and non-verbal communication. Our school values of Love, Laugh and Learn provide the three main themes for our Key Stage One and Key Stage Two curricula. These three values representing personal, behavioural and academic development trajectories. Each area is carefully designed and repeatedly revisited to make sure it is relevant, sequential and suitably challenging for our community.
These documents are further supported by our Curriculum Passport, which details the many exciting enrichment experiences we plan in each year for all pupils. Altogether this curriculum provides the framework for achieving across all areas of learning and provides opportunities for all pupils to excel during their time at school.
You can find the relevant Curriculum documents under the subject/area headings below
We know that our curriculum has had the desired impact in a variety of different ways. This includes but is not limited to
Want to know more?
There are plenty of options available to you should you require any more information about our curriculum. Parents of existing pupils can contact their child’s class teacher in the first instance. For information on Key Stage curriculum you can contact the Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 leaders via the school office. For information on whole school curriculum development and provision please contact the School’s Senior Leadership Team using