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ColvillePrimary School

‘We Love, We Laugh, We Learn’

The School Governors


On behalf of the governing body I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our school.


The role of the Governors is to work cooperatively with the Head teacher and staff to create and maintain the best environment for all the children in which we love, we laugh, we learn.


The Governors have a wide spectrum of responsibilities covering all aspects of the school, ranging from curriculum, attainment and finance to special needs and safe guarding. Although each Governor focuses on a different aspect of the school, when we meet together we make collective decisions. Governors work with the Headteacher to ensure effective fiscal management. Information about the financial standards at Colville can be found at


The Full Governing Body meet at regular intervals in the year and between these meetings the committees (Curriculum and Finance) follow separate but interrelated agendas linked to their specific focus. Each of these committees has a chair and minutes of these meetings are avaliable from the school office. 


The Governors are proud to serve Colville and are delighted with the strong leadership, inspiring teaching and enthusiastic support from parents that has enabled, and will enable children to grow and develop in this school community.



Hozefa Amijee 

Chair of Governors



School Governor Attendance Data is in the right hand column of the table in the document below. 
